~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Marilyn Rummel, Duncan & Nanaimo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Marilyn teaches harps of all kinds, with a focus on lever harps. As well as her home studio in Duncan, she teaches at the Nanaimo Conservatory of Music. She has written 3 books in a series of method books for beginners and is working on 2 more. In addition to her teaching and occasional performing she composes, arranges and publishes music for harp, voice, piano, and ensembles of various sizes.

Her student ensembles perform widely and to great acclaim, with students achieving a high level of musical performance. You can begin as young as 4, and study till you're 104 - the harp is an instrument that makes that possible - and rewarding!

For more information on Marilyn's Harp Canada Studios in Duncan and Nanaimo, see her student website